Bernard Cadène’s studio accurately reflects his cheerful and whimsical personality. It is a wonderful mess, bathed in light and daubed with paint from floor to ceiling, that gives us the impression of having leapt into one of his works. The chaos that hits you at first glance gradually dissipates as you become an actor in the scene. Brushes caress the canvas, and landscapes and squares and markets come to life. The crowd moves, bodies brush up against one another, Japanese women become geishas and the dance begins. The paint dries and everything falls into place as if the wave of a magic wand had suddenly issued the order to tidy up. Because order does exist within Cadène’s work. This ‘classic’ troublemaker, this reasonable and tempestuous man, this ‘impressionist’ wild animal never truly reveals himself except in the privacy of his studio, his family and his colours, where he plays with shapes and worlds you can lose yourself, and often your heart, in.
It is possible to book a studio visit.
Visite de l’atelier sur rendez-vous.
9 rue du Pré Vicinal,
31270 Cugnaux